WordPerfect Skills Quiz
by Kendall Callas
As a WordPerfect consultant and trainer, one of my greatest challenges over the years has been to convince law firms of the value of training. So here's a quiz to help you measure your skill level.
If you get all the answers right, take the day off!
If you get 16 to 20 right, you need 2 hours of training.
If you get 5 to 15 right, you need 4 hours of training.
If you get less than 5 right, I recommend you invest in 6 hours of training!
(These questions and answers apply to WordPerfect for Windows versions 5.x/6.x/7/8/9 unless noted.)
- What keystroke deletes the word the cursor is touching?
- Which key moves the cursor to the right edge of the line?
- What keystroke combination selects the text from the cursor through the right edge of the line?
- How can you directly move the cursor to the top of page 5?
- What single key brings up the FileOpen screen?
- How can you move the cursor downward paragraph by paragraph?
- How can you move the cursor to the right word by word?
- Which Ctrl key is used to copy selected text? ... to paste it?
- How can you "interrogate" screen elements to modify them?
- Which Ctrl key works in all Windows programs to open a file? ... print? ... save?
- Which toolbar icon opens a new blank document screen?
- Which Ctrl key is the universal Windows close command.
- What keystroke moves the cursor downward page by page?
- How can you use your mouse to add a date button to the bar at the bottom of the screen?
- How can you search for a tab setting code?
- How do you set the font for the whole document, including headers, footers, and footnotes?
- How do you create a new directory?
- How can you find the documents that contain "John Smith" or "John Q. Smith" or "Smith, John"?
- What's the easiest way to replace one word with another, for example, to change the word "yesterday" to "tomorrow"?
- How do you add rows to a table?
- How do you break the page (force a new page) or break the column?
- Where do you set the initials and color used to flag a comment?
- What two keystrokes will print the document?
- What's the easiest way to edit a code, like a Tab Setting or a Column Definition?
- What feature allows you to create abbreviations most efficiently?
- How do you delete a row in a table?
- What's the easiest way to capitalize a word or selected text?
- How can I select from the cursor position to a specific character, for example, a period?
- What's the easiest way to sum the numbers in one column of a table?
- How do you create a form that will automatically include the current date?
- Ctrl+Backspace.
- The END key.
- Shift+END
- Press Ctrl+G (“Goto”), type 5, then press Enter.
- F4.
- Ctrl+down arrow.
- Ctrl+right arrow.
- Ctrl+C to copy; Ctrl+V to paste — these keystrokes work in all Windows programs!
- Right click ... on the menu bar, toolbar, text, Application bar (at screen bottom), or (at the FileOpen screen) on a file or on white space.
- Ctrl+O to open, Ctrl+P to print, Ctrl+S to save.
- The first icon (leftmost).
- Ctrl+F4.
- Alt+PgDn.
- Right click on it, select Settings or Preferences, then select Date.
- Tap F2, select Match then Codes, type "Tab Set", click Insert, click Find Next.
- Select File, Document, then Default Font. (In WP6.x/7, use Format, Document, Initial Font.)
- At the FileOpen screen, right click in some white space, select New, then Folder.
- Bring up the FileOpen screen, type "John Smith" (in the "File name" field — don't type the quote marks), then click the Find button (bottom center). (In WP6.x/7, choose QuickFinder from the FileOpen screen.)
- Use your mouse to double click on "yesterday", then type "tomorrow".
- Place the cursor in the last cell, then press the Tab key.
- Ctrl+Enter.
- Tools, Settings, Environment in WP8/9; Edit, Preferences, Environment in WP6.x/7.
- F5, Enter.
- Double click the code in Reveal Codes.
- QuickCorrect (Tools, QuickCorrect).
- Select the entire row, tap the DELete key, then press Enter.
- Ctrl+K. Press it again to toggle between upper and lower case.
- F8, period. To select from the cursor to a comma, use F8, comma; to the end of the paragraph, use F8, Enter. Once selected, tap Backspace to delete it, Ctrl+B to bold, Ctrl+U to underline, Ctrl+I to italicize, etc.
- Use your mouse to point to the (empty) cell below the numbers, right click, and select “QuickSum”.
- Create a merge document (Tools, Merge, Form), then click the DATE button to place a {DATE} merge code where needed. (Use of Insert, Date to place a date code is a bad answer; you are left without a record of the actual date on the document sent out.)
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