. . . streaming video for the law office (sm)
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Webcast to the World
  [Webcast to the World]

Broadcasting video over the Internet — "webcasting" — offers a powerful new way to ‘televise’ your message — globally, economically. Add video to your website to dynamically convey the character of your firm and the expertise of your people:

Legal updates ... seminars ... minority recruitment ... website Welcome Message ... attorney bios ... speech archives ... 'Interview With the Expert' ... in-house training ... 'Meet the Firm' ... annual reports ... 'Attorney Spotlight' ... Reg FD

[Faces webcast best] Stop being
a faceless

Energize your communications and present a human face to clients, prospects, and partners.

Enliven Your Website with Video!
Emphasize and standardize your message with edited video to present your best face. If a picture's worth a thousand words, video is worth a million! Pre-sell new clients and motivate your team with the clarity and
[Movie Camera] depth full-color video delivers.

We bring the lights and camera, you supply the action!

We recommend: Relax for a minute and watch our Welcome Message (play with WinMedia or RealPlayer), read our webcasting column — case studies of law firm webcasts, and click to view one or two from our bullet reviews and links page.

Welcome Message
A few words about webcasting
from Kendall Callas

. .

to play

[Welcome Message webcast]
Play using Windows Media Player
Play using RealPlayer
Play using Quicktime:   56K   100K   300K


Tips for viewing

Download the latest version of free media player software if you cannot play the webcast or get only audio.

[New!] Build loyalty — avoid partner defections!
The recent demise of San Francisco pillars, Thelen and Heller Ehrman, highlights the importance
of partner loyalty. Cause of death: Loss of cohesion under stress led to partner defections, triggering collapse.

Loyalty is now a survival requirement. It’s smart to invest in helping your people bond, especially if your firm has distant offices or an influx of new faces. Video profiles will help your people get to know each other more efficiently and through a different lens. Skilled interviewing will help bring out their individuality and the values of your firm, which we’ll edit into a Webcast Gallery of attorney profiles — a streaming video “Rogue’s Gallery” of your team.

Connectivity boosts morale if all it takes is a click to watch an insightful interview from the convenience of one’s desk, with the clarity of full-color video and the 24/7 ease of the Internet.

We hope you recognize the value of this new tool to help build loyalty and cohesion — and the challenge you face to prevent partner defections during these difficult economic times.

How Are Leading Law Firms Using Webcasts?
Read our competitive research on successful webcasts by America's top 300 law firms. Also, our webcasting column spotlights resources and examples such as law school video archives and law firm webcasts; read about Bingham McCutchen, Skadden Arps, MoFo, Jackson Lewis, Gibson Dunn, and more.

Camera + Computer + Communications Tech
We come to you, sensitive to minimizing office disruption. Our team, equipped with digital camera and steaming video technology, will capture your message. We're experienced shooting for the small screen and editing with a film aesthetic. Viewers watch from the convenience of their desk, seeing and hearing the action through standard media player software — saving the time, cost, and stress of a cross-country journey or cross-town traffic.

A personal computer with a fast Internet connection is the only equipment a viewer needs. A 56 Kbps modem connection is required as a minimum; a high speed connection is recommended for better visual quality. Free "player" software must be installed before viewing (pre-installed in most Windows and Mac systems). Click for system requirements.

Lights, Camera ... ACTION!
To take the next step ...

or call toll free (800) 976-2276.

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